Alban Préaubert
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Nombre de messages : 101
Localisation : Koszalin, Poland
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptySam 10 Mar - 23:12

Callisto a écrit:
The problem with Yannick is that he has a huge potential, he will have very good results when he passes all his jumps, but for the moment he can't. We talked a little with him in Warsaw after his free program and he said he was so sorry about that, it is always the same, he can't do two clean programs...Crying or Very sad

I agree Marion. Ponsero has the potential to achieve great results - his spins look sooooo good. I heard that he's planning to work with Mishin this summer :brucelee: - maybe this will help as far as his jumping technique is concerned.
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Nombre de messages : 894
Age : 37
Localisation : Toulouse
Age : 20
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptySam 10 Mar - 23:21

Hélène a écrit:
Malgosia... if you know "que la Force soit avec toi...", you can go anyway.... Cool
I was impressed too cheers Laughing :laser:
don't worry Malgosia, I sent your message I love you
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Ouvreuse de porte

Nombre de messages : 2798
Age : 36
Localisation : Région parisienne
Age : 19 ans (toutes ses dents!)
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptySam 10 Mar - 23:44

Malgosia a écrit:
Callisto a écrit:
The problem with Yannick is that he has a huge potential, he will have very good results when he passes all his jumps, but for the moment he can't. We talked a little with him in Warsaw after his free program and he said he was so sorry about that, it is always the same, he can't do two clean programs...Crying or Very sad

I agree Marion. Ponsero has the potential to achieve great results - his spins look sooooo good. I heard that he's planning to work with Mishin this summer :brucelee: - maybe this will help as far as his jumping technique is concerned.
Yes, I think so. Mishin, "the St Petersbourg wizard" (Nelson Montfort Laughing ), is the a very good coach for jumps. I hope it will help him!
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Ouvreuse de porte

Nombre de messages : 2798
Age : 36
Localisation : Région parisienne
Age : 19 ans (toutes ses dents!)
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptySam 10 Mar - 23:45

Hélène a écrit:
Malgosia... if you know "que la Force soit avec toi...", you can go anyway.... Cool
MDR Hélène!

PS : "Que la force soit avec toi" means "May the force be with you". Wink
By the way, how do you say it in polish? I did a small search on google, I found it in spanish ( Que la Forca t'acompanyi! ), german ( M�ge die Macht mit dir sein! ), japonese ( Force no tomo ni aran kotowo! ), and even in latin ( Vis tecum sit! ), but nothing in polish!Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 894
Age : 37
Localisation : Toulouse
Age : 20
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 2:16

Just saw Alban's answer to our messages! cheers
"Merci beaucoup, c'est vraiment super gentil, ca me touche beaucoup. J'ai eu raison de venir lire mes mails avant mon départ, ca me donne la peche, des soutiens comme ca. Promis, je donnerais le meilleur de moi-même et je vais faire en sorte de vous remercier en faisant des beaux programmes.
Je pars demain soir, j'espere que j'aurai accès internet là-bas, je n'en sais rien encore.
Merci encore à tout le monde, j'embrasse tout le monde sur le forum.
A bientot

Here is my approximative translation Embarassed :

"Thank you very much, it's very nice, I'm very touched. I was right to check my e-mails before leaving, it gets me doing, such supports. I promise to give the best of myself, and I'll try to thank you by doing beautiful programs.
I'm leaving tomorrow in the evening, I hope I'll have an access to internet there, I don't know yet.
Thank you to everybody, kisses to everyone in the forum
See you soon"
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Nombre de messages : 101
Localisation : Koszalin, Poland
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 15:35

WOW! Alban responded with the speed of light! That's so nice! :hug:

Thank you Kmille for translating it. I love you

Marion - Polish translation of "May the force be with you" is "Niech Moc bêdzie z Tob±". Obviously it is from Star Wars, I'm not a huge fan of this movie but somehow I always liked this quote and use it in the context of "giving support & energy" - I hope it can be used in the same way in France Embarassed
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Nombre de messages : 166
Age : 38
Localisation : Connecticut, USA
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 15:45

That was quick! Thanks Kmille for translating Alban's message. :)

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Nombre de messages : 894
Age : 37
Localisation : Toulouse
Age : 20
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 15:48

Malgosia a écrit:
Polish translation of "May the force be with you" is "Niech Moc bêdzie z Tob±".
oh god! How do you say it??? Shocked
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Nombre de messages : 1967
Age : 62
Localisation : Morbihan
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 15:58

Kmille a écrit:
Malgosia a écrit:
Polish translation of "May the force be with you" is "Niech Moc bêdzie z Tob±".
oh god! How do you say it??? Shocked
Yes... it's a good question!!!

"Que la force soit avec... moi (me)"... is a good sentence to found a place when you are in your car in a town... I'm sure that in polish, it will be good also!!! Laughing

(and I hope you understand me, because my dictionnary is in a other room and I don't scribe a long sentence like that from many years ago in english... Cool )
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Nombre de messages : 101
Localisation : Koszalin, Poland
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 18:31

Kmille a écrit:
oh god! How do you say it??? Shocked

It a bit difficult to explain the pronunciation..but I found speach synthesizer:

All you have to do is enter the text you want to hear and then click "read me now".
As you probably noticed Polish language has some special letters: ±, æ, ¶, ê, ³ -> just in case your computer can't read foreign font, try to write "niech moc bendzie z tobom" Laughing

Helene - I understand what you mean, I think Very Happy .

I didn't know whether to open a new thread for this one or not but I watched Gala in Grenoble via Internet. What a nice show it was, though I really regret that I managed to understand 10% of what the comentators were saying siflt I understand French as well as any parrot study Therefore, I'd be grateful if you could tell me (more or less) what the skaters were saying in those mini-interviews in the intermission.

I didn't like the way the gala was filmed. The cameraman had a crush on Pernelle, I suppose tongue - he was showing her almost all the time during Kim Lucine's program.

Did you see this short fluff with Brian skating at the hockey field? I couldn't stop laughing cause it reminded me this commercial Wink :
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Ouvreuse de porte

Nombre de messages : 2798
Age : 36
Localisation : Région parisienne
Age : 19 ans (toutes ses dents!)
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 19:09

Citation :
Therefore, I'd be grateful if you could tell me (more or less) what the skaters were saying in those mini-interviews in the intermission.
I will sum up what they say.Wink

Citation :
I didn't like the way the gala was filmed. The cameraman had a crush on Pernelle, I suppose tongue - he was showing her almost all the time during Kim Lucine's program.
Laughing Laughing Laughing
We said exactly the same in an other topic! And at the end, she is the most shown skater!
By the way, the cameran stole my speciality when I film : "Oups, I lost the skater!"Rolling Eyes Laughing Embarassed
And we often saw skater's legs instead of their face or their body... But it is a small chanel, they are not used to show this kind of galas...

Citation :
Did you see this short fluff with Brian skating at the hockey field? I couldn't stop laughing cause it reminded me this commercial Wink :
Laughing Laughing Laughing
Yes, me too!
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Ouvreuse de porte

Nombre de messages : 2798
Age : 36
Localisation : Région parisienne
Age : 19 ans (toutes ses dents!)
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyDim 11 Mar - 19:50


1 - Yoann Deslot
He is happy because he realized his first quads at training this morning.

2 - Brian Joubert (1)
Before this interview, as Brian still wasn't there, they made a man (Thibault) sign autographs instead of Brian (actually he just wrote JOUBERT an a cheat of paper).Laughing
So the woman goes to Brian, shows him the autograph and asks him if it is a good signature. Brian : "no, not at all!!!"Rolling Eyes
Then he talks about his injury, says that he sticked his (blade) heel in his foot, but he has been better and better since one week, he thinks it will be good for tonight and for Worlds.

3 - Brian's training fluff
It goes better and better, his foot his less painfull when is skates than last week. He made treatment consisting of injecting minute quantities into affected area ("mésothérapie"), and it do him good. But it slows down his preparation for worlds championships, but he's quite confident.
It could have been worst, it could have stop his season or even his career... So he gets well out of this situation, it happens so he has to do with it!
It is the last competition of the season, it is world championships, he must give all he has even if preparation was perturbated, he continued to work so it would be stûpid to give up at last moment

4 - Brian (2)
The girl says that Brian get better and he proved it on the ice. It always is a pleasure to do a gala and sign autographs. He answers he likes it especially because he feels good in Grenoble and doing a gala just before the worlds makes them relax and see the public.
The interviewer asks a girl (Solène) why Brian. She answers that he skates very well, she often sees him on TV, and he is very cute. The interviewer says it deserves a special dedicace and Brian says he will. She asks Solène if she liked Brian's performance. She answers yes and adds that it is the first time she saws a gala il live and it is much better than on TV. The interviewer says it deserves a kiss, and you know what follows... (lucky Solène!)Rolling Eyes

5 - Alban
He says that what he did was good but it should have done better. It will be better at Tokyo.Wink In the sencond part of the gala he will do an exhibition (and not a competition program)... voilà! ("that's all")Laughing .
The girl precises that Alban belongs to the category "I am never happy of what I do" and that's makes his force, he is very exacting with himself, he always is performing at practice as on the ice.
Alban said he has much fun on the ice, but he recognize he is very exacting and he wants to give his best at each competition, that's why he is never happy of what he does, he knows he can do better, but he has much fun on the ice.
The girl says he doesn't know how to sign autographs while he is talking because Solène is still wainting!Rolling Eyes Laughing

6 - Marylin Pla
Marylin became dark-haired again! She said, yes, since last french tour.
They are confident for Worlds, they worked very much and they did a good program at gala. While she does it Yannick annoys her.Laughing

7 - Yannick Bonheur
He feels worlds good, they did a good preparation, they finished Euros on a good mark and now they feel confident and hope do good things at Tokyo.
They didn't have as good place at Euros as last year but they did a very good free program. Technically, they didn't do it since 3 years so they are very happy and hope to be in the top 10 at Worlds.

8 - Brian (3)
Brian is at the other side of the table. He explains that he moved because as he is quite long when he signs an autograph, it blocks the queue. But some people with their micros block it...Rolling Eyes (they laugh).
He signs in direct because he said he was the only one able to do this signature.Laughing He says he worked a lot on it, it is years of work...Rolling Eyes Nobody can do it, said the girl. Brian says he is serious! Nobody can do it, it is important because when he sends him to somebody that's him, not somebody else...Cool

9 - Brian hockey fluff
Brian came to a hockey match in Grenoble to do an exhibition. It is the first time he does it, he is not used to hockey's public.
He says he feels good. He is a little late (as always Rolling Eyes )...
Standing ovation for Brian.
He says he wasn't so stressed, and the public was cool. Brian was a little afraid for the public...

10 - Brian (4)
The woman shows how many girls there are in the queue! She says that at the beginning, all the people were at the beginning of the table, and now, at the end... where Brian is!Rolling Eyes
She asks a little girl if she is a fan of Brian. She answers yes, because he is nice. The interviewer asks Brian if it is true. He answers he doesn't know but they all try to be nice. He had a beautiful gift. He makes a kiss to the little girl (so if you want a kiss, give Brian a present!Wink ), the woman says Brian always have many gifts.
She makes Brian remark that there are much more girls than boys. Brian answers that figure skating is more watched by girls than by boys... so they are lucky!Laughing

That's all folks!
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Nombre de messages : 894
Age : 37
Localisation : Toulouse
Age : 20
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyLun 12 Mar - 13:06

Malgosia, feel free to open new topics if you want... Even to speak english in french sections, not a problem I love you
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Nombre de messages : 101
Localisation : Koszalin, Poland
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyLun 12 Mar - 15:11

Callisto a écrit:

By the way, the cameran stole my speciality when I film : "Oups, I lost the skater!"Rolling Eyes Laughing Embarassed
And we often saw skater's legs instead of their face or their body... But it is a small chanel, they are not used to show this kind of galas...

Hahahaha yes, exactly tongue but nevertheless I'm glad that we had a chance to watch the gala online and I'll send email to TeleGrenoble to thank them for the internet stream:
(and I'm encouraging you to do the same cause maybe the will show more figure skating in the future Cool - there will be another gala in Grenoble on the 11th of May so who knows....)

Thank you Marion for translating all these small interviews :hug:. Please post them on BJDG as well, I'm sure the ladies will be happy.

edit: You already did that Very Happy . Thanks!

Kmille a écrit:

Malgosia, feel free to open new topics if you want... Even to speak english in french sections, not a problem

Thank you I love you
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Nombre de messages : 3131
Age : 39
Localisation : Normandie + IdF
Date d'inscription : 27/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyLun 12 Mar - 17:13

You're right Malgosia!!! I think we have to send email to telegrenoble... very good idea! (sorry for my poor english :lgvert: )
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Nombre de messages : 101
Localisation : Koszalin, Poland
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptySam 17 Mar - 13:54

lovochocolat a écrit:
(sorry for my poor english :lgvert: )

Your English is fine :hug:
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Nombre de messages : 3131
Age : 39
Localisation : Normandie + IdF
Date d'inscription : 27/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyLun 19 Mar - 15:26

Malgosia a écrit:
lovochocolat a écrit:
(sorry for my poor english :lgvert: )

Your English is fine :hug:

loool! Thanks you! Very Happy Wink :hug:
I will say to my english teacher! She will be very happy! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMar 1 Mai - 20:18

Pleeeease, could anyone be so kind and tell me in short what is that new interview about?? I thought that I am able to translate it but I just don´t know what it is about No my French is really terrible...
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Ouvreuse de porte

Nombre de messages : 2798
Age : 36
Localisation : Région parisienne
Age : 19 ans (toutes ses dents!)
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMar 1 Mai - 21:58

Alban says he is happy of the bedinning of his season, with his two podiums at Skate America and Trophee Eric Bompard, and his fourth place at GP final. Being the was extraordinary for him. And of course his first quads! He wishes he had done them before, but he was injuried at french Masters and French Nationals...
His main goal for next season is to be on the podium at Euros, and maybe to skate in the last group at worlds. And of course, being at 2010 Olympic Games, maybe on the podium, it would be wonderful!
He also says he will change of style next season, it would be boring if he always did the same thing. So maybe a romantic style... or dramatic!
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Nombre de messages : 53
Age : 42
Localisation : Paris, France
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMar 1 Mai - 22:00

Translation of the interview by "Les Lames Françaises":

Les Lames Françaises : What are your conclusions for this season ?
Alban Préaubert : I arrived last year on the senior circuit and I had to show that I deserved to be here... I think I proved that at the begining of the season with two Grand Prix podiums. The Grand Prix Final was a medium term goal, and I hadn't thought I would be able to reach it this year. It’s a great surprise for me, and I finished 4th there, in Russia, coming back after an injury. So, I was also satisfied with this performance. I was expecting better performances in the European Championships, but I have realised my first quad in a competition, so it’s also positive. The 6th place is not a shame. As for the World Championships, my place was less good than the one I had last year, so it was a little bit disapointing, but it’s not easy to assimilate the quad. I have fought very hard, but it was still new for me. But it’s positive for the whole year.

LLF : What are your goals for next year ?
A.P. : Taking part in the Grand Prix Final again. It would be good. So, I need to be on Grand Prix podiums, and winning one of them would be marvellous! This time being on the European podium and skating in the last group of the World Championships. Assimilating the short program and the free skating.

LLF : Do you plan to change your programs next year ? If you do, will keep your « humorous » style ?
A.P. : Yes, I will have two new programs. And I want to change my « register ». I know that I can’t spend my whole carreer in the same register. It could tire people. Next year we will look for a romantic or dramatic style. We haven’t chosen the musics yet. I will try to change my style, to find something which suits me and shows that I can have a complete skating.

LLF : You have achieved a quad this year. How did you feel after that success ? Do you want to do it again next year ?
A.P. : I was very satisfied. I had achieved it several times since last summer. I didn’t have the opportunity to try it during the begining of the season because of several injuries. Back injury during the National Championships and the Grand Prix Final, and foot injury during the Masters. I would have tried it sooner, but I couldn’t. I’m happy that I have achieved it. It makes me feel more confident. I will keep on working on it and try to put two quads in my free skating and one in my short program.

LLF : Are the Olympic Games a long term goal for you? If they are, do you have a strategy?
A.P. : Yes the Olympics are a goal. I’m dreaming, like all athlets, to be in Vancouver in 2010 and to do my best. I don’t say, right now, that I will win the gold medal. I don’t know yet. The most important for the moment is to qualify for the Olympics. Then, we will see what we will do. That’s the goal. As for the strategy, I want to be at top for 2010. I will be 24 years old then, the best age to skate. I want to go step by step to be ready in 2010. The quad progression is managed. I will go step by step to make the difference... I should be at 100% in 2010.

PS : My English is poor... So, please excuse my clumsy sentences! Embarassed
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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMar 1 Mai - 22:16

Girls, I just love you!!!! You are great, thank you so much!!!! :hug:
changing the style??? Shocked I am really keen on that...and I am a little bit afraid of that Embarassed
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Nombre de messages : 166
Age : 38
Localisation : Connecticut, USA
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMer 2 Mai - 0:10

Thanks so much for the translation! I used an online translator, and let's say that it was a very confusing read. LOL

Hmmmm, romantic or dramatic style? Sounds good. It's true that he can't do the same thing all the time, but maybe the judges will take him more seriously doing something dramatic or romantic than being funny? Not to say that Alban isn't great being funny (because he is! smileyvert ) but I don't think the judges have liked "funny" skaters much.

And two quads in the free program?! Wow! Go Alban!!!

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Nombre de messages : 89
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 08/01/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMer 2 Mai - 10:52

I'm not sure the judges don't appreciate his skating because of this funny style (but we never know Wink ). I think it's more for it's own good and he proved than he can do well when skating on a completely different type of music :yeuxcoeur:
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Nombre de messages : 1014
Age : 42
Localisation : Strasbourg / Lausanne
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMer 2 Mai - 11:45

I just hope it will be dramatic rather than romantic Rolling Eyes
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Nombre de messages : 1967
Age : 62
Localisation : Morbihan
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: News   News - Page 4 EmptyMer 2 Mai - 12:06

Myloum a écrit:
I just hope it will be dramatic rather than romantic Rolling Eyes
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